Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Protect Your Family From Home Invasions

Criminals are out in force with little to deter them!

Just turn on CNN and you can see the horrible and disgusting truth of the utter chaos -- gut-wrenching murders, inhumane rapes and cut-throat attacks on innocent people... The news is filled with insane acts of ruthless pillaging that rocks our world -- you can't avoid it. 
Some people no longer watch the world news because they can't bear to see it!

These are risky times. Ignore this somber warning... and the security you or a member of your family are currently feeling... could evaporate in a second -- when they become the next victim of an unforeseen attack.


The dreadful facts remain.

Crime has escalated to incredible numbers with no end in sight.

Did you know that a residential burglar's chance of getting away with a robbery is about 81.8%? Only 18.2 % of burglary cases are solved and the criminal prosecuted! 

Criminals have a better than 8 in 10 chance of getting away with a home invasion and ruthlessly stealing you blind or worse!
So, let me ask you...

Do you feel ANY safer in your home now that America is spending billions of your dollars with the New Homeland Security Act? No? Most people don't. 

Just because Obama is spending billions and billions of American Tax Payer's dollars to fight International Terrorists... Does not mean that will protect you in your own home from petty criminals and sticky-fingered thieves!

If anything -- You, like most of us, are not only, NOT FEELING SAFER, but with the deepening credit crunch and the devaluation of the dollar... things go from bad to worse. Your money buys less and less, and you have increased financial worries, ultimately financial instability makes you feel even more unsafe. But... That's just the tip of the iceberg!

Let's get real here... 

Brace yourself for what's going down as...

 The BIGGEST SECRET SWINDLE Obama and the fat cats in Washington are NOT protecting you from. 
Here's what's happening: All over the country... states, townships and municipalities are tightening their belts trying to maintain their fire, police and emergency services with ever dwindling budgets. The costs of gas, diesel fuel, electricity and maintaining emergency personnel have skyrocketed!

And... To top if off... With the massive foreclosures of homes and businesses hitting every city, village and town around... The amount of revenue the tax rolls bring in is dwindling day by day. Just look around you and see the "For Sale" signs on houses and businesses that have been vacant for months... with weeds growing up all over the lawns!

Your own emergency services
and the guaranteed safety they give you are in peril!

The devastating truth of it is this; our government administration has -- FAILED!

Every day more news stories hit the air waves as cities and states finally fess up -- as to how broke they are!

Firefighters, policemen and women and even critical need emergency services are being cut back all over the country. And there is NOTHING anyone in Washington is doing about it!

This is not the time to blindly put all your trust in the government thinking they are here to protect you!

The frightening news stories from break-ins, armed robberies and
rapidly escalating violent crimes
are getting even worse as --

and more and more unemployed criminals hit the streets!

In 2010 over 2 million homes were ransacked
in the United States ALONE!

Because of the steadily rising level and intensity of criminal activities...
You need to be made aware of the danger.

When an uninvited intruder makes his presence known (immediately as with a home invasion robbery or with the trail of tears and terror he leaves behind when you’re not home to protect your family) this what you lose...
In addition to any valuables you may have stolen, what you will miss most is your sense of security. Everyone living with you becomes traumatized.
Knowing that someone has violated your space hits you in the gut and in the heart. Once that sense of inner safely is breached there is NO cure.
So why would a person turn to a life of crime?
That's an easy answer.
Did you know the average burglar
walks away with over $2,000?
(Not bad for a day's work...
as long as they are smart and don't get caught!)

How Criminals Gain
Access to Your Home And Violate Your Safety
Not only when a crime like a burglary is committed do you feel unsafe...

But the intense violation is compounded when the trespasser is a professional criminal and has gained unrestricted access to your personal effects and private information.

When a criminal breaks in, you face the additional expense of immediately ordering emergency repairs (or making them yourself). Then you have to figure out how to take increased security measures to help ensure that you never face the nightmare again. (Most people have no clue what to do and where to start to make sure that they are never victimized again!)

To truly understand the emotional impact of a break−in, this is what it is like.

Imagine this happened to you...

You return home to a nightmare and discover a kicked−in front door. It’s hanging haphazardly by a single hinge. Inside, everything is overturned; some of your belongings are broken.

The jewelry handed down from your beloved grandparent is gone.

Your electronic equipment is gone or lies in ruins.

The family computer is gone, taking with it the only copy of the pictures you’ve taken of your kids growing, your wedding day and honeymoon, and more. (The agony of not being able to replace those precious photos never goes away...)

Your intimate apparel has been handled, rifled, perhaps defiled, and is lying all over your bedroom! Not only your belongings but...

Your feeling of safety...
has been stolen from you.

Dread and anger enter your life with a vengeance; you can’t shake feelings. You've been violated. Your home has become the proving ground for a long-lasting, unshakeable nightmare. This heart wrenching scenario happens every day in nearly every neighborhood across the United States. You may have heard of a friend, neighbor or coworker who has suffered from a robbery.

It could have been YOU!

The hardest truth to take in is that, in many circumstances, this nightmare is avoidable.


"Stop the Intruder - Knowledge is the best protection", is to show you the principles and methods that will decrease the likelihood of you or your loved ones becoming the unwilling victim of a criminal.

The principles are straightforward, easy to understand and employ, and cost effective. You can apply the safety enhancing principals, with some slight modifications, in any single family home, apartment, townhome, condo and mobile home. So no matter where you live you can use this program to create an increased level of security in, around and outside of your home.

You can create an increased level of security in, around and outside your home.

It's A Formidable Home Defense System

But don't just take my word for it. Here's what you need to know to verify that this home defense and self-protection system is worth the investment in you and your family's safety.

Get the home defense weapon you need to handle any situation and be able to do the right thing at the right time to lessen your feelings of fear and uncertainty and help to prevent your home from being looted!

That's kind of reassuring isn't it?

Get the Home Protection Help You Need...
to reduce your chances of being a
criminal's next target!


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